Thursday 16 May 2013

    Incomplete like me without you

You without me is like a rainbow without
Like a painting without paint 
like a guitar without strings
like a chess board without pieces
a song without lyrics
a bird without wings
an algebra equation without "x"
like a pen with no ink
like soccer with ball
like table without chair
a day without sun
a comic with just text
a heart without blood
like Tom without Jerry
like TV without cable
like PC without internet
and Canada's flag without maple leaf

Monday 29 April 2013

Stopping by the corridors on a windy morning

           Whose ear rings these are i think i know
               her locker is on the 1st floor though;
           She will not see me stopping here
            To watch her ear rings fill up with dust

          My little brother must think it crazy
                To stop without a girl near
          Between the classes and washroom
             The windiest day of the year.

           He gives his eye brows up a rise
                  To ask if there is some mistake
           The only other sound's the sweep
              of rushing wind and foot steps.

        The ear rings are lovely,elegant, and simple.
          But I have books to keep,
            And pages to study before I go,
            And pages to study before I go.

Sunday 17 February 2013


                               THE DREAM

I had a weird dream. In the dream, I saw a city, which was strange because it began before I even knew what a city was. In the city, I could see the buildings lined up on the street. The city was clustered on the center of a big blue bay. I even saw the boat in the harbor and the sea, which I had never seen in reality. There I saw magical things like carts running without horses. I saw things glowing in the sky. It was a beautiful place and fascinating too. I woke up and I asked my eldest sister Marry about it. She suggested me not to tell anyone about the dream. As people would think about the vague dreams I had and will start considering me odd. I think that was a great advice and I implemented on it.  This was the first time in my life when I had to keep a secret from others; I think it is a stage of maturation.

                           MEETING SOPHIE

I was running the down the bank in a fine speed and landed in a pile of soft sand at the bottom. I glanced around and then my eye caught something in the bushes. There was a girl named Sophie. She was a little shorter than me and younger too. She inquired  what I was doing was fun or not. I asked her to join and as she joined me she started enjoying it. Then her left foot got stuck in a narrow space between two up pointed stones (1). For a while she was stuck there. Later I helped her by cutting her laces and was shocked to see her foot with 6 toes.

                   MEETING SOPHIE’S MOTHER

I carried Sophie to her house. There I met her mother. I saw the fear on her mother's face as she asked me what happened and asked Sophie, whether I saw the foot or not. I promised her mother that I would not tell anyone about it. This was the second time I had to keep a secret in my life. I made that promise by my choice; this was another step towards my adulthood. Now I don’t know that what I am being taught is right or not. I have been taught that anyone who doesn’t look like their parents or parent plant are not normal(3). They are considered to be a “MUTANT”. How can an extra toe make someone a mutant?. She is just like me and everyone. It's just that she has an extra toe which makes her odd? How can this be possible? I do not agree to what I have been taught. This way of the world is very puzzling to me.    

The Chrysalids novel by John Wyndham

Sunday 10 February 2013


John Wyndham’s science fiction novel The Chrysalids is dystopic and Sir Thomas More’s novel Utopia is utopic. Both are fictional. Whereas utopia is a perfect world, a paradise. Dystopia reflects a world that is dark and a result of cataclysmic event. It is a dysfunctional world where people are under the control of a power that opposes them. In this report I will explain what utopia and dystopia are, and then apply these theories to an examination of Thomas More’s Utopia and John Wyndham’s The Chrysalids.

Sir Thomas More also Saint Thomas More was an English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist born in London in 1478. More’s novel has been a victim of a critical tug of love. One of the most troublesome question about his novel is the reason of writing it, which till date is controversial. (

Utopia is a community or society possessing highly desirable or perfect qualities. It is an attempt to create an ideal society the opposite of dystopia. Ecological utopian society describes new ways in which society should relate to nature. (

John Wyndham in his novel The Chrysalids shows the characteristic of a frightening world, Dystopia. He portray it through the scene where David helps Sophie taking her foot out of a “narrow space between two up-pointed stones”(8). And when Sophie tells her mother about it “'Yes,' Sophie told her. 'I'm sorry, Mummy. I tried hard, but I couldn't do it myself, and it did hurt so.'”(10). The author wants the readers to know how frightened her mother was, and Sophie too because they both did not want anyone to know about the extra toe she had. This is because of the times and society they lived in which it is considered as inhuman or not normal. This shows the fear in which people live in Waknuk, a dystopic society.

Dehumanization is an element of Dystopia. Wyndham wants the readers to be conscious of how people were dehumanized. Wyndham illustrate it by demonstrating in detail what a normal person should be according to the society and god. The author states: “'And God created man in His own image. And God decreed that man should have one body, one head, two arms and two legs: that each arm should be jointed in two places and end in one hand: that each hand should have four fingers and one thumb: that each finger should bear a flat finger-nail . . .'”(10-11). According to the people Sophie is not a human because of the extra toe she has on each foot. She is considered a “Mutant” not a normal human as the author also states: “'"The Norm is the Image of God".'”(27). By which he means that any person who is not like the image of god isn’t normal.

Totalitarian government is a basis of dystopia. Wyndham gives the reader a glance of the social system of a dystopic world in his novel. He asserts:” So I learnt quite early to know what Offences were. They were things which did not look right…. if it happened among people it was a Blasphemy”(19).” The commandments and precepts one learns as a child….'And any creature that shall seem to be human, but is not formed thus is not human”(18).” Nevertheless, the question of Offences was not always as simple as one might think, and when there was disagreement the district's inspector could be sent for.”(19). By this the author presents a view on the totalitarian system.

Sir Thomas More in his novel Utopia exhibits the characteristic of Harmony peace and understanding in a utopic world. More believes in harmony peace. More states: "‘thus they have no wars among them; they live rather conveniently than with splendor, and may be rather called a happy nation, than either eminent or famous”(21). He also asserts: “They never sacrifice any animals, for they can’t imagine a merciful God enjoying slaughter and bloodshed. They say god gave his creatures life, because He wanted them to live.”(108). By these 2 lines More explains the understanding between people for no wars and living happily with harmony peace. He also emphasizes on an important aspect that the people in the Utopia do not kill animals as they can not understand why would god like it, thereby they believe that
God gave animals life to live.

Polyculturalism is an important component of Utopia. Polyculturalism refers to the theology that all of the world’s cultures are inter-related. The author believes in one world, one kind person and unity in diversity. “But I our system is indeed the best, and my religion the truest, then keep me faithful to both of them, and bring the rest of humanity to adopt the same way of life, and the same religious faith-unless the present variety of creeds is part of thy inscrutable purpose.”(109). Author also elucidate: “He judged it not fit to determine anything rashly; and seemed to doubt whether those different forms of religion might not all come from God, who might inspire man in a different manner, and be pleased with this variety; he therefore thought it indecent and foolish for any man to threaten and terrify another to make him believe what did not appear to him to be true”(69). By these More wants the reader to get the picture of what kind of Polyculturalism is in Utopia, that everyone has good relations with the people of other religions. All kinds of varying creeds live happily in Utopia, no discrimination or impartialness, everyone treated equally and are fine with other cultures living together.

Total abolition is the root of the utopic world. More shows the readers a view on the society in Utopia. He illuminates: “It’s not as if I’d recommended the system operated in Plato’s imaginary republic, or in utopia today. …. Because it’s based on communal ownership instead of private property.”(42-43). Author wants the readers to interpret the world of total abolition with no personal or private properties owned by anyone. All properties are communal based which means that anyone can enter any property; all properties are shared by each and every single person.  There is no money system, everyone only doing the work they enjoy and which if for the common good.

Novel The chrysalids by John Wyndham
Novel Utopia by Thomas More